Tandem Charleston is a versatile and essential step in the 30’s & 40’s partner Charleston dance. It is a good challenge to take on after you do your basics “Side by Side” Charleston. Learning how to enter and exit tandem Charleston is a useful skill in the Charleston steps toolbox that will add fun and complexity to your dancing and will help you in learning the rest of the figures..
If you have knee or balance problems, then this workshop is NOT for you.
4:00-4:20 Tandem Posture and connection
4:20-4:50 The Chase (S shape) Entrance
4:50-5:10 Tandem variation
5:10-6:00 Butterfly Exit
Please wear flat well padded shoes (dance shoes or sneakers), NO HEELS please. wear comfortable, breathable clothes (sport bras for the ladies- and bring water. There is a bouncy, cardio element to the Charlestons so expect to break a sweat 🙂
This is NOT a beginner workshop. You need to be taking Lindy Hop lessons (or equivalent experience) and social dancing for at least six months.
About Nissreen
Nissreen Almazouni has been dancing for over 20 years and teaching for the past ten in New Jersey and the Tri-State area. She learned the Lindy Hop in New York City from iconic instructors who studied with Frankie Manning, and had the the pleasure and honor to take lessons with him as well. She has performed professionally with many Lindy Hop groups in NYC (such as the Lindy Hop All-stars and the Big Apple Lindy Hoppers) and continues to perform in summer Jazz festivals, private gigs and her own performance classes. She is passionate about teaching and helping students build a solid technique foundation. She also aims to foster a unique sense of musicality for the dance in all her students. All while having fun. She currently teaches group lessons at Swing Remix in NYC as well as ongoing lessons in NJ.